Best Study Tips That’ll Help You Succeed in Your Academic Career
Do you want to ace your midterm exams and get through the final weeks without getting in trouble? Or are you interested in learning methods to move from memorization to comprehension? The following best study tips will help you achieve your goals, whether that’s earning superior grades or mastering complex topics.
Technically, studying is more than just cramming the day before an exam. To understand the best study tips for academic success, you must begin with the study cycle.
The study cycle is a five-step process that includes taking and reviewing notes, participating in class, and studying in short, productive sessions. It can help you determine whether your study sessions will succeed or not. If you miss even one step, you’ll have to put in more effort to catch up.
Use this five-step cycle and the following 11 study tips to excel in college.
1) Make a study plan
Many students feel overwhelmed halfway through their college studies because they did not create an appropriate study plan. We advise students to schedule their study time for each week of the semester. Depending on the class and week, a session may include reviewing concepts, reading assignments, or preparing for exams. Then, give your best to stick to that schedule.
2) Take notes correctly
Every class lecture is important, and missing any of them will put you behind on your studies. Also, it’s worth noting that numerous studies have found a strong connection between students’ attendance and grades.
But attendance entails more than just being present in class; it also means paying active attention to the lesson and taking helpful notes. It’s critical because your notes will most likely be one of your valuable study tools. Teachers typically base their assignments and exams on the topics covered in the class.
3) Think smartly about where to study
Where do you prefer to study? The answer varies depending on the person. Some students need complete silence without any distractions to concentrate, whereas others want to study in public places like cafes or libraries. Try out a few different places to see which one works best for you.
4) Participate in a study group
Many students find that participating in a study group helps them stay on track with their studies. Consider joining the group discussions, particularly in subjects where you would get the maximum benefit from group support.
You can create your study group and teams if none is available. Talk directly to students in your class and arrange a meeting to discuss your objectives and how you would like to manage the group.
Some group members meet several times per week, while others meet only before midterms and final exams. Figure out which option is suitable for you, and then make a group to meet your needs.
5) Prioritize comprehension, not memorization
It’s easy to believe that memorizing a textbook is equivalent to studying. However, memorization will only help you get good grades in your college.
Students should prioritize comprehension over memorization. That means students must focus on the meaning and context of the subject instead of cramming and reading textbooks.
Yes, some courses necessitate extensive memorization, whether it’s verb conjunctions or mathematical equations. But as the learning center at UNC-Chapel Hill suggests, the first step in the memorization process should be making sure you learn the concept and idea behind the topic.
6) Include review meetings
Reviewing material improves memory and understanding, so be sure to include regular review meetings in your study plan.
A review meeting might mean going over the notes to identify your weak areas or taking mock tests. Please refer to your class notes and reading assignments to address any unclear points. You can also reach out to your professor if you come up with any other questions.
7) Recognize your study weaknesses
Every student has an Achilles’ heel when it comes to studying. And knowing your weak areas can help you improve your learning strategies.
Do you easily get distracted? Block out the distractions by turning your phone silent (or leaving it in another room) and using it after completing the assigned tasks. Do you have a habit of procrastinating? Make a strategy — and stick to it. Do you like working in short bursts? Examine the Pomodoro method and keep your study time brief.
Ohio University recommends a wide range of study strategies for various challenges. By understanding the things that hold you back on your studies, you will better prepare yourself for future challenges.
8) Know what to study
Have you spent all your time reviewing textbook concepts only to discover that the test was based solely on lecture materials? Knowing what to learn is essential to studying smartly.
Of course, what you need to study depends on the program. Carefully review your syllabus and speak with your professor — these two sources will help you understand the topics and points you must concentrate on while studying.
For example, will the assessments use multiple-choice questions or short answers? Does the paper include essays and long questions? Understanding the assessment patterns used in your classes will lead you in the right direction.
9) Plan for assessments and exams
It may seem appealing to study all night before your midterms or finals. But have you ever realized that staying up all night can have the same effect on your cognitive functions as being drunk? It’s also bad for your mental abilities—the opposite of what is needed to perform well in exams.
That is why it’s critical to plan ahead of time to avoid pulling all-nighters. By sticking to a study timetable, you’ll find it much easier to finish your studies and get enough night’s sleep.
10) Schedule rest periods
Studying breaks can play a crucial role in improving the quality of your work. So try to add study breaks to your timetable and include a reward for focused learning sessions, too.
According to educational experts, study breaks can give you more energy, reduce stress, and improve your memory. They’re also good for your mental and physical health. Combine your study break with light exercise and fresh air to reap even more benefits.
11) Seek assistance
What if you’re following all the best study tips for college, and you’re still having trouble? Ask for help when you need it. Reach out to your classmates and the study groups before heading to your college or university.
Another option is to visit your professor’s office and seek assistance. You can also inquire about tutoring services and writing offices at your college.
Finally, if you’re dealing with test anxiety or other health issues that are interfering with your studies, contact your college’s mental health services office.
If you want to learn more about effective learning strategies, visit our site, CollegeDegree.Education.